6 frozen treats that beat ice cream

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Thanks to their fruit or yogurt, these supermarket frozen treats have a fraction—or none—of the saturated fat of full-fat ice cream. And their built-in portions (bars, bite-size pieces, or pockets) keep a lid on the calories and added sugar. Enjoy!
Yogurt mochi

Yasso’s (uncoated) Greek yogurt bars are a frozen find, with no more than 100 calories, 3 teaspoons of added sugar, and 1½ grams of saturated fat, plus 4 or 5 grams of protein.
The company’s latest creation: Greek Yogurt Mochi. (Mochi is a sweet Japanese rice dough that encases Yasso’s frozen Greek yogurt center like a chewy pillow.)
Choose from Strawberry, Mango, Chocolate Fudge, or Vanilla Bean. Each mochi has just 70 calories, 2 tsp. (9 grams) of added sugar, and zero sat fat. Way to go!
Coated frozen fruit

Trü Frü Piña Colada is “Nature’s Pineapple Frozen Fresh in White Chocolate & Coconut.” Mmm. Each 1 oz. serving (about 4 or 5 frosty coated fruit chunks) comes to 70 calories, 2½ grams of saturated fat, and a mere teaspoon (5 grams) of added sugar.
Tropical vacation in a bag, anyone?
Skyr bars

Halo Top’s new Triple Berry and Strawberry Icelandic-Style Skyr Yogurt Pops get a texture boost from clusters of crispy granola in each bite of creamy frozen yogurt.
Unlike Halo’s ice cream pints, these pops have no erythritol or other low-calorie sweeteners. Yet the 3 teaspoons (13 grams) of added sugar per pop isn’t bad.
Bonus: The skyr bars are made with ultra-filtered skim milk and yogurt, so they offer more protein (4 grams) and less saturated fat (2 grams) than you’d expect from a 110-calorie ice cream bar.
How sweet is that!
Freeze your own fruit

For an uber-easy icy treat, don’t forget frozen grapes. Rinse, let dry, remove the stems, and freeze. (Let them defrost for a few minutes before digging in.) The payoff: all fruit, zero added sugar, and a filling snack for 100 calories per cup.
Another find: slightly thawed frozen mango. Pick up a bag of mango chunks from the freezer case—no peeling, slicing, or waste!
Chocolate bananas
Like a chocolate coating? Premium coated ice cream bars like Magnum can hit 200 to 250 calories and half a day’s saturated fat (10 grams) or more.

In contrast, Diana’s Dark Chocolate or Milk Chocolate Real Banana Halves don’t top 140 calories or 1½ grams of sat fat. And their chocolate is the only source of added sugar, which comes to an admirable 1½ teaspoons (6 grams) per bar.
Prefer slices over sticks? Dole Dippers—100-calorie pouches of Dark or Milk Chocolate Covered Banana Slices—are a good bet.
Sorbet on a stick

Talenti Mini Sorbetto Bars have gone “from jar to bar,” because they’re a petite portion of the company’s pint-size jars of Alphonso Mango (45 calories) or Roman Raspberry (50 calories) sorbet served on a stick.
The upside: tons of real mango or raspberry flavor (fruit is the first ingredient) with no more than 2 teaspoons of added sugar per bar.
The downside: each box of six bars costs about the same as a full pint, so you’re getting less sorbet for your money. With a measuring cup, you could save a few bucks by scooping your own quarter-cup serving out of the pint into a bowl or ramekin.
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