Welcome on behalf of CSPI & Nutrition Action's customer service team

Paid NutritionAction print subscribers can access digital issues, articles, recipes, and the archive on this site (CSPInet.org) for no extra charge.  A secure login of your choosing is required through a trusted partner platform.
  • To find out more about logging into CSPInet.org, and to be sure your subscription account is properly linked for authentication purposes, click here.

  • The current issue of Nutrition Action is January/February 2025.  For our print subscribers, the issue is in the mail and should be in your mailbox by February 10th.

  • The next issue will be March/April 2025 and it is scheduled to deliver in late March.

Frequently asked questions

Q: I am receiving CSPI's 2025 Annual Membership appeal.  What is this?
A: CSPI, the 54-year-old, 501(c)(3) nonprofit advocacy organization, is asking you to make a tax-deductible donation of membership support for our 2025 advocacy work.  The appeal runs from January to May each year.  CSPI's important work is powered by individual tax-deductible donations of support.  We do hope that members will donate yearly during this annual fundraising campaign.  To respond to the campaign, please use the mail response form, or the link in an email, that we have sent to you.

Q: Are donations of monetary support to CSPI tax-deductible?
A: Yes, CSPI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our Tax ID # is: 23-7122879.

Q: How can I edit my CSPI monthly donor commitment?  (amount, payment method, etc.)
A: Click on the following link and follow the instructions:  Monthly Donor Self Service Page

Q: How do I find my NutritionAction account number?
A: For print subscribers, look on the mailing label of any issue of Nutrition Action.  Your account number is 10 digits long and start with a "3", after a leading "#NAH".  For example, in #NAH3500112233/8# the subscription account number is 3500112233.

Q: Can I view my CSPI/Nutrition Action subscription account online?  Can I make a NutritionAction subscription renewal payment online?
A: Yes.  Go to our service.cspinaction.com  page (login required).  You can use the same login email address and secure password that you set up for viewing Nutrition Action digital content on this site.  Or you can use your subscription account number and zip code, or your email address and zip code.

Q: How do I order a holiday gift subscription for a friend or relative?
A: Go to: CSPInet.org/nutritionaction/holiday. We currently have a 2-for-1 holiday gift offer available. Gift subscriptions can only be sent to U.S. addresses, and recipients receive our print edition.  Their first issue will be November/December 2024.  They can also add digital access themselves once the print subscription has started.

Q: For some reason my postal carrier didn’t deliver the latest print version of my issue. Can you send it to me again?
A: Yes. Please contact us at customercare@nutritionaction.com. Include your name, address (for verification) and subscription ID number. Your replacement print issue should arrive to you within 2 to 4 weeks.

Q: I’m accidentally receiving two copies of each print issue. Can you combine them?
A: Yes. Please write us at customercare@nutritionaction.com with the two subscription ID numbers and the correct name and address to keep. We will merge them and assign a new expiration date.

Q: Can I change my print subscription mailing address on your website?
A: Yes. Go to our service.cspinaction.com  page (login required).  You can use the same login email address and secure password that you set up for viewing Nutrition Action digital content on this site.  Or you can use your subscription account number and zip code, or your email address and zip code.

Q: I want to talk to someone at NutritionAction about past subscription payments I have made. Who do I speak to?
A: Call us at 1-(866) 293-CSPI (2774), option 1, or email to: customercare@nutritionaction.com.

Q: I have questions about past tax-deductible donations of support I have made to CSPI, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit consumer advocacy organization.  Who do I speak to?
A: Call us at 1-(866) 293-CSPI (2774), option 2, or email to: customercare@cspinet.org.

Q: What do I receive if I purchase Nutrition Action?
A: Purchasing NutritionAction Print grants delivery of newly printed issues during your subscription term, plus digital all-access on CSPInet.org for the same period (provided we have your email address in your subscription file.)

Purchasing NutritionAction Digital all-access grants full access to our digital content on CSPInet.org, for the duration of your subscription term (provided we have your email address in your subscription file.)

Q: What is your return or refund policy?
A: Any product you’ve ordered through our Store is always yours to keep. Our commitment is to help you improve your diet and your health, so please keep anything you’ve ordered. For subscription orders to NutritionAction, we’ll refund you the unused portion of your subscription if you’re unsatisfied at any time. For your protection and for auditing purposes, please submit any refund request in writing by email. CSPI reserves the right to limit refunds.

Q: What is your shipping and handling policy?
A: For print products (books, calendar, etc.), please allow 3 to 5 weeks for USPS delivery. For U.S. print subscriptions to NutritionAction, postage, shipping, and handling costs are included in the subscription price.

Q: I saw a nutrition report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) the other day. How do I go about getting a copy?
A: CSPI has produced many reports, brochures, and booklets on nutrition and food safety since 1971. Many are available from the Nutrition Action Store. Can't find what you're looking for? Write to cschmidt@cspinet.org.

Q: How can I send a letter to the editor; question a Nutrition Action writer or researcher; question a statement in Nutrition Action; or find out when a certain article ran?
A: For questions like these please write to customercare@cspinet.org. We will consider all suggestions.

Q: How can I order an individual issue of Nutrition Action?
A: Single issues are available in print or as PDF files. To order, go to the Nutrition Action Store and click on the Single Issues tab.

Our Publishing Schedule

NutritionAction is published bimonthly as indicated on the cover of each publication. Frequency of issues is subject to change without notice.

The approximate delivery dates for the print issues are in the last week of the first month of the issue.  For example, the July/August issue delivers in late July.

Contact Us

Customer Service can be reached at any of the following addresses:

e-mail: customercare@nutritionaction.com or customercare@cspinet.org

Customer Service Inquiries by Telephone: 1-(866) 293-CSPI (2774)

Closed Sundays and Holidays.

Mailing address for NutritionAction subscription payments:  Nutrition Action, PO Box 37161, Boone, IA 50037-0161

Mailing  address for CSPI product payments and donations of support:  CSPI, PO Box 37161, Boone, IA 50037-0161

Current New Subscription Offers

The standard pricing schedule for NutritionAction is as follows:

  • One year Print & Digital: US$34.99  Click Here to order a new Print & Digital subscription.  (Note: We are only accepting new print & digital subscription orders in the USA)
  • One year Digital: US$24.99  Click Here to order a new Digital subscription.  (Note: This digital offer is available worldwide)


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Nutrition Action

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