May 2022
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mvc_stock (ripped paper), New Africa (hand) - stock.adobe.com.

Preventing Disease
5 surprising findings from recent studies
“Heart health.” “Improves memory.” “Supports immunity.” Those and similar claims rule the supplement aisle. But few are based on double-blind, randomized controlled trials, the crème de la crème of research. Here’s a handful of findings from some of the latest randomized trials.
Nitr - stock.adobe.com.

Preventing Disease
Celiac disease: We talked to an expert
Kai Reschke - pixabay.com.

Healthy Eating
Do real men eat meat? Or do we just think so?
Daniel Vincek - stock.adobe.com.

Healthy Eating
What's in the best smoothies & shakes
baibaz - stock.adobe.com.

We can't do it without you!

Healthy Eating
Peter's Memo: A debt of gratitude
Quick Studies
A snapshot of the latest research on diet, exercise, and more.
The Healthy Cook's Paella
Kate Sherwood - CSPI.

Spring Veg Paella
Not your traditional paella, this vegetarian version gets its savoriness from mushrooms. For an evenly crispy base, use a large pan. To kick up the flavor a notch, top with a dollop of aioli.
Kate Sherwood - CSPI.

Smoky Veggie Paella