It’s food porn anytime

New Kraft “it's pasta anytime" loaded with fat & sodium
You don’t have to take the time to boil water to prepare Kraft’s new shelf-stable It’s Pasta Anytime pasta. But you should take the time to read the nutrition labels, according to the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which has designated the cheesiest of these microwaveable pasta meals Food Porn for the month of December.
It’s Pasta Anytime’s Rotini with Three Cheese Sauce, Rotini with Mild Cheddar Cheese Sauce, and Fettuccine with Roasted Garlic Alfredo Sauce average 600 calories, 15 grams of saturated fat, and 2,100 milligrams of sodium. They each consist of a microwave-safe plastic tray of pasta and a plastic pouch of sauce enclosed in a paperboard box.
“Leave it to the good people at Kraft to take what could be a perfectly healthful food—pasta—and weigh it down with three-quarters of a day’s worth of saturated fat and almost a day’s worth of sodium,” said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. “And as if that weren’t bad enough for your blood pressure, you have to claw your way through an obscene amount of packaging.”
Food Porn is a regular feature on the back page of Nutrition Action Healthletter, which also features a monthly Right Stuff selection. December’s Right Stuff is Bellino’s delicious Bruschetta Tomato Topping, weighing in at only 20 calories per two-tablespoon serving.