“For anyone looking for an extra cheesy treat, the Bacon Mac & Cheese Burger features hand-smashed double patties topped with thick-cut bacon, American cheese, mac & cheese, pickled hot peppers and Hatch chile aioli on a challah bun,” boasted the Buffalo Wild Wings news release in August.
Researchers are scrambling to figure out why ultra-processed foods may lead to weight gain. In the meantime, here are 5 factors that consistently lead people to overeat.
Dollar stores are the fastest-growing food retailer in the United States. If more dollar stores participated in WIC, food access could improve for millions.
Weight gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, memory loss, depression, Crohn’s disease. The list of maladies linked to ultra-processed foods seems endless. Are those foods actually to blame? Here’s what we do—and don’t yet—know.
How much sodium does the average U.S. child aged 6 to 18 consume? How does excess salt consumption in children affect health? Find out by downloading our useful fact sheet.