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person looking at a vitamin bottle in a store


Do you need a multivitamin? What many people get wrong

Multivitamins have branched out. They’re now marketed for immune support, energy, menopause, hair/skin/nails, heart health, and more. Do you need a multivitamin? Here’s what they can—and can’t—do, according to the latest clinical trials...not the latest labels or ads.

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pill bottle with DVs and RDAs listed for vitamins


Vitamin ABCs: How much of each do you need?

How much of each vitamin and mineral do you need each day? Here's what to aim for (from foods and supplements combined). 

What to know
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2 women eating salads

A snapshot of the latest research on diet, exercise & more

Here's the latest research about fake Ozempic, reversing prediabetes, preserving your memory, calorie-dense foods, and more.

See the studies