If you have high blood pressure, experts recommend testing it at home.

But are home devices accurate? Scientists measured the blood pressure of 152 patients twice using their home devices and twice using an automated device used at doctors’ offices.

One out of five home devices failed to agree with the office device—that is, they differed by more than 10 points for systolic pressure.

What to do

Take your home device to your next visit and check your pressure against the office device. (Validatebp.org, a website run by the American Medical Association, lists home devices that meet criteria set by experts, but it’s still worth testing your device at your doctor’s office.) For advice on how to take an accurate reading, click here.

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Safe & Easy Steps to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Nine out of 10 Americans will eventually have high blood pressure. Eating healthy foods, losing excess weight, and exercising can keep your pressure under control. And, if you do have elevated blood pressure or hypertension, it can lower your pressure as much as—or more than—prescription drugs.

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