Benefactors for Nutrition Action
Your choice to make a Legacy Gift will help to ensure a brighter, healthier future for millions of people.
Benefactors for Nutrition Action is a special group of individuals who have chosen to make a legacy gift to CSPI. Our team of expert scientists, lawyers, and advocates works tirelessly to improve the safety and healthfulness of our food supply.
Because CSPI accepts no corporate or government donations—and Nutrition Action Healthletter features no advertising—we depend on individuals like you to empower our work. Your legacy can change the lives of future generations.
"The impact of CSPI's work is so far reaching. It's about health, longevity with quality of life, lowering our country's medical costs, and more. I'm hoping that including CSPI in my estate plan will help them make an even bigger difference. And I hope that my gift will encourage others to include CSPI in their estate plans as well."
Christy Gavitt, Fairfax, VA, Benefactor for Nutrition Action
Call or e-mail our planned giving specialist today:
(202) 777-8372 or giftplan@cspinet.org
We’ve also partnered with FreeWill to make legacy giving easier than ever before. In 20 minutes or less, you can use this online tool to write your legal will at no personal cost, and easily create a legacy gift to CSPI in your plans. Click here to get started on your free will.
CSPI is a 501(c)(3) organization | Federal Tax ID: 23-7122879
Most Common Ways to Make a Legacy Gift
- Bequests
- Life Insurance
- IRAs
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Real Estate or Property
- CSPI Benefits for Legacy Donors
- FAQs (frequently asked questions)
Leaving a provision for CSPI in your will or living trust is a thoughtful, visionary way to extend your dedication to future generations. You can leave an asset, set dollar amount or percentage of your estate. This can help reduce or eliminate taxes which your estate may otherwise owe.
Fixed Amount Bequest: This is a bequest that directs a fixed dollar amount, or specific assets, such as securities or property. The following is basic sample wording to make a provision for CSPI in your will:
I give and bequeath the sum of $__________ to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1220 L Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington DC, 20005 (Federal Tax I.D. # 23-7122879) to be used for its general purposes.
Residuary Bequest: This form of bequest directs a percentage of the remainder of your estate, after specific gifts to the other beneficiaries have been fulfilled. For example, 75% can go to your heirs with the remaining 25% going to CSPI. The following is basic sample wording to make a provision for CSPI in your will:
I give and bequeath to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1220 L Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington DC, 20005 (Federal Tax I.D. # 23-7122879) an amount equal to _____% of the net value of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.
Life Insurance
A life insurance policy that has outlived its purpose may make a perfect charitable donation to CSPI. It’s easy to update the beneficiary designation at any time by requesting a beneficiary designation form from your financial institution or insurer. This form is generally available on the company’s website as well. Simply complete the form and mail it back. Like a bequest, you can change your mind at any time. You also have the flexibility to designate a percentage, rather than the whole amount.
The assets contained in an IRA pass outside your will. Distribution is governed by the beneficiary designation form you completed. Leaving that benefit to family member or a friend would result in a high tax liability that can be avoided by leaving it to CSPI. Support CSPI’s bold initiatives in nutrition and health policy with your retirement plan — and leave your loved ones other estate assets that are not taxed as highly. As with a bequest or life insurance, you can make CSPI a partial, full or contingency beneficiary. If you have questions about other types of retirement accounts, please email giftplan@cspinet.org or call (202) 777 8372.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a way that a U.S. donor can provide income to him or herself and/or others while making a generous gift to CSPI. The income may continue for the lifetimes of the beneficiaries, a fixed term of not more than 20 years, or a combination of the two.
Gifts of U.S. Real Estate or Property
You can support CSPI through a gift of real estate. Donating a property that you have owned for a minimum of one year entitles you to a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of that property and allows you to avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation.
If you would like to have the tax advantages of a gift but continue to live in your home, a retained life estate is another useful gift vehicle. By donating a remainder interest in your property, you or a designated individual, can live in your house until death. Upon the death, the ownership of the property would transfer to CSPI.
CSPI Benefits for Legacy Donors
In addition to the financial benefits that a company legacy gifts, you will receive a lifetime subscription to Nutrition Action Healthletter (print and digital); free books, reports, and updates on topics that matter most to you; and invitations to attend CSPI special events. When you establish a legacy gift with CSPI, we encourage you to please let us know so that we can ensure you receive recognition as a member of CSPI's Benefactors for Nutrition Action as well as the benefits mentioned above.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Q. Can I change my mind once I’ve made a planned gift to CSPI?
- A. Yes. Your gift plans can be revised at any time. There is no prohibition on making changes to your estate plan should your circumstances.
- Q. Do I have to choose a gift amount now?
- A. No. A popular choice is stating a gift as a percentage, which will automatically adjust no matter what the future may bring.
- Q. I want to make sure my family and grandchildren are taken care of AND give to CSPI. How can I do both?
- A. Many people put aside a percentage of their estate for their favorite causes, while leaving a large majority of their assets to family and friends. Or you could choose to make a charitable gift of whatever balance remains in a retirement account, which also saves on taxes.
- Q. I’ve thought about including CSPI in my will but I’m not rich. I’m not sure my small gift will make a difference.
- A. Every gift makes a difference! Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated and will help ensure CSPI can continue its work to ensure a safe and health food supply for all.
- Q. I want to make a bequest to CSPI but my will is already written and I don’t want to go to the expense of having it re-written.
- A. A codicil is a document that amends, rather than replaces, a previously executed will. It’s easy to do and costs relatively little.
Call or e-mail our planned giving specialist today:
(202) 777-8372 or giftplan@cspinet.org
Center for Science in the Public Interest
1220 L St. NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005
CSPI is a 501(c)(3) organization | Federal Tax ID: 23-7122879

The information on this page does not constitute legal or financial advice. We encourage you to discuss these options with your own advisors before deciding on the best choice for you.