Center for Science in the Public Interest, “Your Food and Health Watchdog,” submits this comment on the Food and Drug Administration Draft Guidance for Industry, Appendix 1: Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Hazards (“Potential Hazards”). We write to request that FDA include opiate contamination as a potential hazard for poppy seeds in Appendix 1.
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The Center for Science in the Public Interest respectfully submits the following comments on the methodology for the Alcohol Intake and Health Study posted by the Interagency oordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking in July 2024.
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Misinformation about raw milk, primarily related to the current bird flu outbreak, puts consumers at a higher risk of foodborne illness. Here's what to know.
Beef damages the planet more than any other food. A single 3-ounce beef patty produces nearly 5 pounds’ worth of greenhouse gas emissions (in carbon dioxide equivalents), according to the Environmental Database compiled by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.