Salt is the deadliest ingredient in the food supply, and the biggest problem with chain-restaurant food. While restaurants are congratulating themselves for getting rid of artificial ingredients, including perfectly safe ones, most restaurants aren’t making much progress reducing sodium. Thanks to the MilliGrammys, Americans will learn a bit more about what they’re eating.
Action Alert
Once you've shared the MilliGrammy videos, let Chili's know that you support safer sodium limits. Take action now!
Sodium Resources
- Salt Assault Infographic Series
- Salt Assault: Chili's
- AHA: Lowering Sodium in Schools Fact Sheet
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Vital Signs: Sodium Intake Among U.S. School-Aged Children — 2009–2010
- CSPI Sodium Timeline
- Confused About Salt? Get the Facts Fact Sheet
- Circulation: Sources of Sodium in US Adults From 3 Geographic Regions
- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Prevalence of Excess Sodium Intake in the United States — NHANES, 2009–2012
- Mission: Possible-Companies Can Meet the USDA's New Sodium Limits for School Meals
- Making Sense of the Science on Sodium: Research Supports Reducing Children's Sodium Intakes
- Sodium Intake Among Persons Aged ≥2 Years — United States, 2013–2014
- Sodium Facts: A Fact Sheet