Maureen Finneran is a Program Manager at CSPI. She provides oversight for CSPI's grant-funded activities, including subgrants, focused on national, state, and local campaigns to reduce the impact and burden of preventable diseases and to promote a more equitable food system. Maureen has both a Masters and Bachelors in Social Work with a specific focus on systems and policy. Prior to joining CSPI, Maureen worked for the Arcora Foundation where she led community-based networked approaches to reducing oral health disparities and advancing health equity in Washington state. She also worked as a Program Manager for the American Academy of Pediatrics national office where she led community-based initiatives. When Maureen is not working, she can usually be found outside or in the kitchen. Running, biking, hiking, backpacking, cross country skiing, reading, cooking new recipes, and attempting to grow vegetables are some of her favorite activities. 

Joined CSPI

Maureen joined CSPI in July 2023.