A new login for CSPInet.org

How to make the most of your online access to NutritionAction's digital content
To access the digital Nutrition Action content on this website (CSPInet.org), a paid subscription is required and a free secure login must be created. The login step is handled by a trusted partner platform. The process requires that we have your email address on file in your subscription account.
Current print subscribers can check to make sure we have your email address on file at service.cspinaction.com. Once you login to your subscription account, if you see that we do not have your email address, add it to your account. Hint: Your subscription account number is on the mailing label of each issue. It is the 10-digit number starting with 3 after "#NAH". For example, in #NAH3505123456/2# the account number is 3505123456. If you can't locate an old mailing label, switch the login settings to "Full Name & Address".
Current digital subscribers should already have their email address on file, but can also check at service.cspinaction.com. Use the Email and Zip Code option. Canadian subscribers, enter your postal code as one string (no space in the middle.)
Having trouble? If you’re a current print or digital subscriber, you may also email customercare@nutritionaction.com. Please include the name and mailing address on your subscription so we can verify your account.
Logging into CSPInet.org
This site (CSPInet.org) will prompt you to login through a trusted partner platform in order to unlock Nutrition Action's digital content. The login process checks against the subscription database to verify your active subscription before allowing access to digital content. The email address you use must match the email address in your active subscription account.
- If you have not logged into CSPInet.org previously, click on Login and then follow the Sign Up link to create a free online access account with a secure password of your choosing. The email address you use must match the email address in your subscription account.
- If you have logged into CSPInet.org previously, login with your email address and your secure password. The email address must match the email address in your subscription account.
- Only use the Forgot Password link if you are confident that you have logged in previously and have forgotten your password.
- Not a current subscriber to Nutrition Action? Please subscribe today to ensure you’ll be able to keep reading our great digital content on this site.

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