Food Find: Asparagus

Ready for a spring fling?
Asparagus is. It’s not just that the tender shoots are easy to come by and fresh-tasting right now. Asparagus in the spring can also be gentler on the planet.
That’s because some out-of-season asparagus gets flown in from South America. (The delicate veggie needs the airlift.) And those flights leave a hefty carbon footprint.
But in April, local asparagus abounds. And it gets trucked into farmers markets...and even some supermarkets.
Look for spears with dry, tight tips. And try to get a bunch that has similar-sized stalks. That way, they’ll all be done at the same time.
You’ll walk away with 2 grams of fiber, a decent dose of vitamin C, and a whopping third of a day’s folate and vitamin K from every half cup of cooked asparagus (not counting sautéing oil or toppings). All for just 20 calories.
Got skinny spears? Before you start cooking, bend the woody stem ends until they snap off. For thicker spears, just peel the bottom third or so. The skin may be stringy, but the flesh is tender.
Then get cooking. Toss steamed asparagus with extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice and zest, and chopped smoked almonds or parmesan. Better yet, try our Dish of the Month.
It’s easy eating green.