Joelle Johnson (she/her/hers) leads CSPI's Healthy Food Access Team and advocates for policies that strengthen U.S. food safety net programs in order to help lift people out of poverty and provide equitable access to a food environment that empowers individuals to build healthy eating patterns that meet their needs.

Prior experience

Prior to joining CSPI, Joelle worked as a program manager for the Food Literacy Project, a farm-based food system education organization in Louisville, KY, and DC Central Kitchen, a food recovery, meal distribution, and job training organization in Washington, DC. Joelle earned her MPH with a concentration in food and nutrition from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and a B.A. from Beloit College.

Joined CSPI

Joelle join CSPI in October 2016.

What's the most inspiring part of your job?

"The most inspiring part of my job is designing evidence-based, community-driven policies to improve the food environment."