Want to know which foods are good for your memory, metabolism, or more? If you ask Google, the answers at the top of the page are from its “AI Overview.” Is Google’s artificial intelligence credible...or just popular? We checked AI’s sources. They may surprise you.
Can’t remember that movie star’s name? You’re not alone. Memory declines as people get older. Here’s the latest on studies testing diet, drugs, or other measures to slow that cognitive decline...and, ideally, ward off dementia.
“Quest Introduces First-To-Market Consumer-Initiated Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease Risk Assessment on questhealth.com,” said the July press release. For $399, you can now get a blood test that didn’t need the FDA’s approval and doesn’t require a doctor’s visit. Should you?
One in four people aged 65 to 74—and half of those 75 and older—have some degree of hearing loss. Yet less than one in five adults who need hearing aids actually wear them. That may soon change. On October 17, it became legal to sell hearing aids without a prescription. Here’s what to know about hearing loss, hearing aids, and what may protect your hearing.