Can’t remember that movie star’s name? You’re not alone. Memory declines as people get older. Here’s the latest on studies testing diet, drugs, or other measures to slow that cognitive decline...and, ideally, ward off dementia.
One in four people aged 65 to 74—and half of those 75 and older—have some degree of hearing loss. Yet less than one in five adults who need hearing aids actually wear them. That may soon change. On October 17, it became legal to sell hearing aids without a prescription. Here’s what to know about hearing loss, hearing aids, and what may protect your hearing.
What can keep your ears in good working order? Limiting loud noise—from headphones, rock concerts, lawnmowers, power tools, etc.—is step one. But researchers are also looking for other ways to protect your inner ears.
Age takes a toll on your ears. A quarter of people in their 60s, and two-thirds of those aged 70 and up, have trouble hearing. That works out to 30 million of us...and counting.
But hearing loss isn’t inevitable. Here’s what may protect your hearing ...and what new devices can help when it’s hard to hear.