CSPI respectfully submits these final comments on lead in food intended for babies and young children to the docket (Docket No. FDA-2022-D-0278) (the Draft Baby Food Guidance). CSPI supports efforts by the FDA to reduce children’s dietary exposure to lead.
This lawsuit seeks to compel the FDA to take a commonsense step to address the health and safety concerns related to the consumption of contaminated poppy seeds.
One in 13 kids have food allergies, which can make trick-or-treating complicated. But a fun new tradition is opening the holiday up to everyone. Here’s how to participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project this Halloween so everyone can enjoy a safe and spooky holiday.
An E. coli outbreak in organic carrots led to a voluntary product recall. One person died and dozens have fallen ill. Learn more about symptoms and treatment.
A severe E. coli outbreak linked to McDonald's Quarter Pounder has caused 1 death and sickened 50 in 10 states. FDA believes slivered onions are the culprit.
Possible Listeria contamination in recall of BrucePac ready-to-eat meals sold at Walmart, Kroger, and others; 12 million pounds of precooked chicken recalled.