This Black-owned organization uses multisectoral partnerships to help students establish healthy eating habits by serving nutritious, culturally relevant meals that meet the school meal nutrition standards.
It’s time for New Yorkers to know exactly how much added sugars are lurking in the meals we consume at chain restaurants. We need the Sweet Truth Act so that New Yorkers will be able to see at a glance whether the drink, dessert, entrée, or side dish they’re about to order has more than a day’s worth of added sugars.
Bill 1326, which we call the “Sweet Truth Act,” sponsored by New York City Councilmember Mark Levine, would require warning icons on chain restaurant menus for items that that exceed 50 grams of added sugars, or an entire day’s worth.
Testimony of Dr. DeAnna Nara, Senior Policy Associate, before the New York City Committee on Health & Subcommittee on COVID Recovery and Resiliency on Oversight - COVID-19: Looking Ahead (February 23, 2022).
And at more than 3,200 large, medium, and small events today and this week, Americans will be gathering together to celebrate healthy, affordable, and sustainable food—and to push for improved food policies in their communities.
Spearheaded by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Food Day is being observed in all 50 states with more than 2,000 events from coast to coast.