Spilled salt in the shape of a heart with an EKG heartrate monitor line

Resource Hub

CSPI has expanded our advocacy initiatives to support the work of local and state partners pursuing crucial health policy passage across the country. Our Resource Hub is designed to build the skills, knowledge, and capacity of our grantees, emerging partners, and networks through coordinated webinars, trainings, and resources.

An introduction to the Resource Hub


Want to get started on your health policy campaign, but not sure where to start? Check out our forthcoming policy-specific toolkits for a background on policy history, the research behind our policy interventions, tips for communications and organizing, and case studies from previous successful campaigns across the country.

Engagement Team

CSPI’s Engagement Team curates the Resource Hub and is open to hearing your feedback about Resource Hub information. The Engagement Team is split regionally and covers the Northeast, Midwest, South, and West. If you are interested in connecting with an engagement associate in a specific geographic region, please click on their Bio to contact them.