The Real Bears

The Real Bears

Big soda companies have billions of dollars to tell their story, but we have each other. Oh—and we have the truth. Help The Real Bears spread the truth about soda by sharing the film.

Facebook it. Tweet it. Pin it. Email the link to your friends and relatives. Show it at school. Sit down and watch it with your whole family. Host a movie night and watch it before the main feature. Talk about The Real Bears on your YouTube show. Embed it on your website or blog. 
Have at it. You are the messenger.

Sharing is the only means we have to make sure the unhappy truth about soda gets out to the world.

The Truth: Soda Facts 101

Research has proven a direct relationship between consumption of sugary drinks and an increase in obesity, which promotes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and many other health problems. 

Now you know the plight of The Real Bears. Real human families should also know about the risks of drinking too much soda.

Read our fact sheet and get the unhappy facts about sugary drinks.