Te'Jal Cartwright

Te'Jal Cartwright has a strong background in media and journalism. In 2018 she created a digital platform called "What's the Biz with TJ", that tells the stories of Black-owned businesses in communities across the nation. Te’Jal has been a natural advocate for storytelling and joined the LORE team in 2018 as a digital marketing strategist. In 2023, Te'Jal accepted the role as Lore's co-owner and lead story coach. In 2024, she officially stepped into full ownership of Lore. Her mission is to focus on combining storytelling and media in the next Lore era!
She is a passionate community advocate and a true champion of community development in Dayton. With a B.A. in English from the University of Dayton and a professional track record of implementing digital media to execute innovative, high-yield fundraising and community outreach strategies, she is committed to using her skills and talents to uplift Dayton as well as the global Black community and creating a better world for her children.